Tag Archives: latest hijabi styles

Keeping it Classy – Graduation Day Dress

Graduation Day


My journey with the Hijaab with Rukaiya Bhegani

I met Rukaiya a few years back through mutual friends in London. When she stopped down in Dubai for a visit about a year ago, she seemed quite curious about the hijaab, how it affected my life, the reactions I got, how did I go about choosing my fashion style around the hijaab and so forth. Barely a few months later, to my surprise, she changed her FB pics, to her ‘new’ look ! I think that women like her, that make that CHANGE are such an inspiration and had to write on her journey to becoming a hijaabi. It’s not easy to give up a lifestyle or a routine that you’ve been doing for so many years, and to make that leap of change, is admirable. Read more…